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Tip on how to practice gratitude.

Choose one specific thing and then find 10 things that you are grateful for around that one thing.

It is then specific and focused and brings it home for you.

Let me know if it works for you.

When did you start to practice gratitude and how has it impacted your life?

I have been doing gratitude work and body wisdom clearing of the past and past lives for the last three years.

My life turned around from practicing gratitude most days, and there is still another level of vibration and joy.
Energy Of Money

Energy Of Money

I’ve learnt a little tip around visualising money

Every day think of yourself receiving an amount of money.
And think about doing something with it.

Start with ÂŁ1,000, imagine using that money in the best way for you.
Then tomorrow imagine having ÂŁ2,000 in the bank.

It’s a receiving game.

The next day, you receive £3,000 in virtual money

It’s about receiving that amount of money, it’s an energy game.

Give it a go!

Sarah my coach helped me work out feeling jaded, stagnant and stuck, get in touch with her if you need help.
I’d forgotten how to bring enthusiasm to life, and she has really helped me.

I like to pick up life tips from other people and what is genuine and important to me.
If you need advice from me, just ask.
I want to be of service.



Where does our responsibility lie to ourselves and other people?

You are not responsible for other people’s reaction or response. You are responsible for you. Have you made yourself understood? Have you done your best? Is the other person going to understand as best they can?

Have you shown up in your best capacity? The outcome is theirs. Keep your Power. Keep your Energy with you.

It’s important to check in with yourself and be honest. Is your service up to scratch? Are you offering the value you say you are? Do you feel happy with yourself? Are you doing all you can?

Bring more of yourself. You’ll connect with more of the people you’re meant to connect with. You expand your reach. There are more people out there that will get you.
Tapping On The Fear Of Advertising Your Business

Tapping On The Fear Of Advertising Your Business

Fears about how you are perceived when advertising your business.
Getting people to know our values and about our business.

We get scared about people saying yes or no.


Even though, I don’t want to advertise myself or my business. I am open to the possibility, and it is not as scary as I think.

Even though, I don’t want to advertise myself or my business. I am open to the possibility, and it is easier than I think.

Even though I don’t want to have to do it, I completely love, accept and appreciate myself.

I think people will be annoyed with me saying the same old things.

Selling is just uncomfortable, and I don’t like it and I definitely don’t want to have to do it.

I think people will be annoyed at me for selling to them, I don’t want people judging me.

What if I let them know who I am and what I think?

What if I put myself out there and they didn’t think anything at all?
Maybe that would be worse, maybe they just don’t care.
Maybe I’m just not important enough.

Maybe they will like what I have to offer.
Maybe they need exactly what I have to offer.
Maybe the only way I can be of service is to show people what I have to offer.
One Thing That Has Made A Difference To My Business

One Thing That Has Made A Difference To My Business

Feeling Better, raising your vibration and clearing your past.
Clearing stuff that is weighing you down.
Suppressed memories, limiting beliefs.

Step 1: Getting rid of limiting beliefs, clear negative energy.
Step 2: Opportunities happen, synchronicities occur, be proactive.
Step 3: Getting your energy in the right place, setting your intentions, be in flow.
Tapping on Deserving

Tapping on Deserving

This is a session on deserving, anything, not just money.
Are you in the deserving vibration?

The more you desire, the more that comes to you
And the more you can give.

What do you want more of?

Even though I am not feeling deserving of receiving more
I am open to changing this now.

Even though, I don’t feel I deserve more in my life.
I completely love, accept and appreciate myself.

Even though, I don’t feel I deserve more abundance.
I completely love, accept and appreciate myself.

Even though, I deserve more in my life.
I am open to removing this block now.

Even though I have limited thinking around this issue
I completely love, accept and appreciate myself.

I don’t feel I deserve more in my life.
I feel greedy and I think it is wrong.
I am scared of wanting more.
I don’t think I don’t think I deserve more.
I’m going to survive on what I have.
I don’t want to be a bad person.
I know I don’t deserve more.
What have I done to deserve more?

Yet I know if I have more I can give more.
And I can have a better quality of life.
Maybe it will inspire others to have more and to be more.
To have more, you have to raise your vibration.

I don’t feel deserving.
I feel guilty.
I should just accept what I have.

Just do the tapping on limiting beliefs.
How deserving do you feel now?

Tap on the negatives until you move them on.
If you want any help on this, let me know.
The Energy Of Money

The Energy Of Money

Hey, everyone it's Rachel from Hearing Your Stories.

I need to do something about this right now.
What are the laws and the energy of money?

Money goes to the people that want it the most.
It doesn’t have the morality that we do.

The people who have the biggest energy around it get it the most.

Money responds to our beliefs.
Make friends with money, value and spend time with it.
Appreciate money and allow it to flow.

Put money to use and allow it to flow.
It likes the give and take.

Money has energy.
Abundance mindset rather than scarcity.

Are you prepared to take risks with money?
How does it work for you?

Take Care. Goodbye.
How To Manage Stress

How To Manage Stress

Hey, everyone it's Rachel from Hearing Your Stories.

What are the consequences of getting the work done?
Is your unconscious creating stories?
Keep asking yourself questions
What does it all mean?

You can decide to deal with the meaning of why.
Release your stress.

Is what you are thinking true?
Is there something I can do?

Be aware of what is going on.
Release the stress, let it go.

Take Care. Goodbye.
Fear of Owning My Own Gifts

Fear of Owning My Own Gifts

Hey, everyone it's Rachel from Hearing Your Stories.
Check out my session on Fear of Owning Your Own Gifts.
Clearing Your Past

Clearing Your Past

Hey, everyone it's Rachel from Hearing Your Stories.

The past belongs to the past, let me go of it, because it does not belong to me.
Self Esteem

Self Esteem

Check out my session on Self Esteem.
Self Worth

Self Worth

Find out more about Self Worth and what it means to you.
Tapping on Not Enough Time

Tapping on Not Enough Time

Tapping on Not Enough Time

Hey, everyone it's Rachel from Hearing Your Stories.
Tapping on Fear

Tapping on Fear

Hey, everyone it's Rachel from Hearing Your Stories. So, this morning we're going to be tapping on a really important subject. So, I put it out there to you guys what did you want to tap on fear around your business. And the thing that came up, more than any other fear what is the fear of not getting enough clients, not getting enough money in, not actually being able to sustain your business long term. So, a lot of those fears, when we have fears like that we tend to block ourselves, we block our creativity. We block the flow of clients, when there is all of that fear energy and all of that negative energy if front of us, between the energy of us and our clients. It’s really difficult for them to be attracted to us and to come to us. It’s like when you are in a shop, and the shop owner is desperate to sell you something, it is off-putting, it’s not attractive. So, we’re going to clear all of that energy today, so that you can get your creativity on, you can feel confident and you can get around to doing the things that are important to you. Which is running your business and attracting clients.

So, let’s go

So, the first thing, just follow along with me, you’ll soon get the idea.
What we are going to do first is to check-in. So, this fear of not attracting clients is a very specific fear. On a scale of one to ten, how strong is that fear for you? And just give yourself a number...

If that fear were in your body, where would it be? So, answer that question in your own head. And that area of your body, what colour would it have? So, answer that question in your own head...

I think this fear goes away, but there is always a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more so its always repeating these processes, coming back to these processes. So that you can clear anything underlying, anything deep going on for you. So, now that we have got that information we are going to tap.

So, even though I have this fear, and just repeat the words after me.
I have this fear of not getting enough clients.
I have this fear of not making enough money in my business.
And I feel this fear in my body.
And it has a number.
And it has a colour.
I completely love, accept and appreciate myself.

Even though I have this fear, of not being able to carry on in my business.
And I don’t know where the clients are coming from, and it seems impossible.
I completely love, accept and appreciate myself.

Even though I have all of this going on.
I completely love, accept and appreciate myself.

So, the setup statement is traditionally used three times.

Now we go onto the points.

I have this fear.
I have this fear in my business.
It’s a fear of not getting enough clients.
And it’s blocking me.
It’s taking my creative energy.
And it’s stagnating me.
It means I am not taking action.
I am not doing the things I know I should be doing.
Because I am afraid.
I feel so scared.
And, I’m not sure if I can make this work.
And I’m doing all of the things, but it is scaring me.
What if it doesn’t work?
What if it doesn’t work?
Where will I be left then?
And what will I do?
I have so much fear coming up.
I have all of this fear.
I have this fear of my clients just not coming.
Or my clients not liking me.
And of my work not being good enough.
And of me not being good enough.
To attract the clients that I want.
I feel so scared.

So, I’m going to stop there because I just want these to be really short. So, really precise and focused. You can continue the tapping by yourselves.

Just check in really, really quickly.
So, you had a number for your fear at the beginning, check in what that fear is now. So, the fear of not getting enough clients. (“You’re welcome Liz”) What is that fear now? If it has gone up, don’t worry, just continue tapping in your own time. If it’s coming down, fantastic, continue tapping in your own time. Because actually what it does, you know what it does, you all understand. If you’re watching this page I am sure you understand what the energy of this is. When we are in fear we are in contraction, we are in stagnation, we’re in non-action, we can’t actually make things work for us.

Whereas if we can just relax, we can release the fear and relax and know that everything is in hand. Know that the clients are there, know that we are doing everything we need to do and that we are good enough and that we are enough. Actually, those clients just come naturally. So, I want you to stop worrying basically. And I want you to use this technique to get rid of those fears, get rid of those fears and get rid of those worries as things will start to flow for you.

Okay, we’re going to leave it there.

Take care, any questions, just pop on and let me know if you enjoyed the video, just press like!
Share it if you like!

Take Care. Goodbye.
The Energy of Language

The Energy of Language

Hey, everyone it's Rachel from Hearing Your Stories here. Now today I'm going to invite you to think about the energy of language. Because you’re listening to what you’re saying, your friends are listening to what you’re saying, and your friend the universe is listening to what you’re saying. And actually, words have power, words have energy. In the same way thoughts do actions do and emotions do.

So, when you are speaking, let me give you an example. So, for a couple of years now I have been saying that I am going away in January. Now going to, it’s in the future, so geographically physically it's placed outside of yourself. So, the future is the road in front of you, It's in the future, It's not here now. And I was saying I'm going to go away in January, and what I really meant was, when I get the money together, when I get to time, when I've sorted it out, when I can organise my life when I can juggle my life. It was some sort of abstract notion. And I thought I meant it, I really genuinely thought that I had set the intention and that sometime in January I would be going away. Sadly, when you do that the intention is not strong enough, the energy is not strong enough.

So, in March this year I changed my language and I said I am going away, I am going away in January. It is a definite intention, I committed, I bought that intention that was floating around in the universe somewhere, in energetic terms. I bought it close, I bought it right in me.

And you can test this out, next time you go past a shop window, and see something that you love. Test the energy, I'm going to have that. Go home and think, just be aware Whether you still remember that intention in the following week. And try going, I am having that. Fact, I am having that. See how your energy shifts and see how you start thinking differently. You might start thinking how you can buy it, how you can get the money to buy it, who you can ask to borrow the money. You might have a chat with a friend, and say I saw this great dress, and I'm having it. Not sometime fairy airy. I'm having it and your friend might go, ‘Oh I saw it half price down the road’. You might be chatting with your mother, and she might say, ‘If you want it that much I will buy it for you.’

Universe steps in when we set a really clear intention. And this is what happened to me when I set the intention to go away in January. I said I am going, this is not up for discussion, my language changed. I dropped it into the conversation with my husband, I said ‘Oh by the way I am going away in January’. I was kind of expecting a reaction. He was like, ‘oh what a brilliant idea’. So that was sorted out. The next thing I was looking into how I could do it, where I could go, where I could afford to go. And I came up with several ideas. New Zealand was top of my list. How can I justify that, how can I make it work? And I started looking at house sitting, I had never come across this concept before. All of a sudden, it was everywhere on my radar. Yes, I can afford to go to New Zealand because I can house sit for a month. By June, I had bought my ticket to New Zealand. And then things started happening, I started looking on the internet I started planning where I would like to go. All of a sudden, I didn't want to be house sitting. And other opportunities came up. The money appeared. And I'm not saying this what will happen for you but what I am saying is that, there are other things, my time, my clients, all of that stuff. Once I committed, once I made the decision, they all fall into place.

So, all I am saying is watch your language. Stop saying I am going to, it's very abstract. Universe can't get on board with that kind of language. And start saying I am. Stop saying I am going to have. And start saying I am having. So, what happens then is your mindset starts acting differently. The universe steps up to meet you halfway. And magic happens. So, if this has helped you so if it resonates with you, if you understand what I am talking about, please just comment, let me know, and start trying it out in your life. Start experimenting with it, and let me know, what results happen, what miracles happen for you.

Take Care, goodbye.

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