The Energy of Language

Hey, everyone it's Rachel from Hearing Your Stories here. Now today I'm going to invite you to think about the energy of language. Because you’re listening to what you’re saying, your friends are listening to what you’re saying, and your friend the universe is listening to what you’re saying. And actually, words have power, words have energy. In the same way thoughts do actions do and emotions do.

So, when you are speaking, let me give you an example. So, for a couple of years now I have been saying that I am going away in January. Now going to, it’s in the future, so geographically physically it's placed outside of yourself. So, the future is the road in front of you, It's in the future, It's not here now. And I was saying I'm going to go away in January, and what I really meant was, when I get the money together, when I get to time, when I've sorted it out, when I can organise my life when I can juggle my life. It was some sort of abstract notion. And I thought I meant it, I really genuinely thought that I had set the intention and that sometime in January I would be going away. Sadly, when you do that the intention is not strong enough, the energy is not strong enough.

So, in March this year I changed my language and I said I am going away, I am going away in January. It is a definite intention, I committed, I bought that intention that was floating around in the universe somewhere, in energetic terms. I bought it close, I bought it right in me.

And you can test this out, next time you go past a shop window, and see something that you love. Test the energy, I'm going to have that. Go home and think, just be aware Whether you still remember that intention in the following week. And try going, I am having that. Fact, I am having that. See how your energy shifts and see how you start thinking differently. You might start thinking how you can buy it, how you can get the money to buy it, who you can ask to borrow the money. You might have a chat with a friend, and say I saw this great dress, and I'm having it. Not sometime fairy airy. I'm having it and your friend might go, ‘Oh I saw it half price down the road’. You might be chatting with your mother, and she might say, ‘If you want it that much I will buy it for you.’

Universe steps in when we set a really clear intention. And this is what happened to me when I set the intention to go away in January. I said I am going, this is not up for discussion, my language changed. I dropped it into the conversation with my husband, I said ‘Oh by the way I am going away in January’. I was kind of expecting a reaction. He was like, ‘oh what a brilliant idea’. So that was sorted out. The next thing I was looking into how I could do it, where I could go, where I could afford to go. And I came up with several ideas. New Zealand was top of my list. How can I justify that, how can I make it work? And I started looking at house sitting, I had never come across this concept before. All of a sudden, it was everywhere on my radar. Yes, I can afford to go to New Zealand because I can house sit for a month. By June, I had bought my ticket to New Zealand. And then things started happening, I started looking on the internet I started planning where I would like to go. All of a sudden, I didn't want to be house sitting. And other opportunities came up. The money appeared. And I'm not saying this what will happen for you but what I am saying is that, there are other things, my time, my clients, all of that stuff. Once I committed, once I made the decision, they all fall into place.

So, all I am saying is watch your language. Stop saying I am going to, it's very abstract. Universe can't get on board with that kind of language. And start saying I am. Stop saying I am going to have. And start saying I am having. So, what happens then is your mindset starts acting differently. The universe steps up to meet you halfway. And magic happens. So, if this has helped you so if it resonates with you, if you understand what I am talking about, please just comment, let me know, and start trying it out in your life. Start experimenting with it, and let me know, what results happen, what miracles happen for you.

Take Care, goodbye.